Monday, January 10, 2011

The Letter of the Year 2011 Miami (English)


Ifa Predictions for the Year 2011

For the United States
January 1st

``Oddun Owó, Oddun Omá, Oddun Ariku Babawa´´

To all the Ifa Priests, to our fellow Oriatés, Babaloshas, Iyaloshas and Iworos, and the Religious Public in General.

The past 31st of December of 2010, a group of prominent Priests of Ifa gathered in representation of the majority of religious families in the United States, with the additional support of 203 members of the Yoruba Faith, of which 143 are Babalawos.

The ceremonies were carried out in a house located at 12605 SW 43 St., Miami, Florida, at which were present 47 Awóses of Orúnmila, 7 Babaloshas & Iyaloshas of recognized national and international prestige, with ample capacity and knowledge, and the following is a summary of their analysis:

Ruling Sign:
Osorbo Arun Otonowa.
Oddudua Onire Onishe Ko.
Onishe Osharumale Ko.

Onishe Eshu: Addimu Kimbombo. Otan

Prophecy: This year will be noted an increase of illnesses in general from God’s hand.  Fundamentally epidemics and environmental polutions.

Ruling Divinity: OBATALÁ

This is the Orisha of creation, the owner of all the heads; his name composed of the vowels - OBBA (King); TA - (To shine); NLA - Big, which means everything. Obatalá – King over everything. It is said he was the one who sculpted the body of man in the womb of women.

Accompanying Deity: OYÁ

Feminine Orisha, owner of the cemetery, she lives at the entrance to the same. She represents Pure Air. It is one of the 15 fundamental elements; she is the NIGER RIVER, she also is “feicita” (Secretary) of Olofin and Orunmila, she is a farmer, a very skillful hunter, she goes hunting with ODDE and OSHOSI. Oyá is sweet and terrible at the same time, she was married to Ogún and she left him because he was a drunkard, she had a child by him, named Orona, she lived with Oshosi and had a daughter.  She lived with Olokun and had a son called ESHU ALAKENTU, she lived with Shangó and with him she had the Ibeyis, called TAEWO and KAINDE. Oyá has a younger sister called  Ayao (AJAO), who is the dauther of BROMU and BROSIA, she has another sister  called ALAKENTU.

Flag: White and Brown flag divided diagonally.

Ebó: A rooster, two white doves, two candles and rum.

In this sign is born:

·   The tocororo, bird of bright colors, which is the national bird of Cuba.

·   Among humans, the habit of studying to increase intelligence and the ability to confront the problems of daily life.

·   When Obatalá turns his back on a person there is no deity that can sabe him, only  Orunmila.

·   The abilities of each one were demonstrated and proved.

·   War was declared on the children of Orúnmila.

Predictions for 2011

Illnesses whose index will increase:

·   Illnesses of the central nervous system, such as stress, anxiety and emotional instability.

·   Illnesses of the blood, such as hemorrhages and tuberculosis.

·   Genetic illnesses.

·   An increase in epidemics, plagues and viruses.

·   Take care of oral hygiene and the stomach.


·   Avoid the stress caused by the economic circumstances.

·   Continue with extreme hygienic practices.

·   Visit the doctor frequently for checkup and blood and fecal analysis.

Events of social interest:

·   In this Odun Obatalá was the doorkeeper of the palace of Olofin, due to the dissatisfaction and lack of attention, he prevented the people from reaching Olofin, because of this the predictions during this year are that there will be scheming and treachery with the purpose of  obstructing the development of government.

·   We will see great economic losses by government and companies due to bad advice.

·   Unhappiness within the government and by the persons who make up the government.

·   An increase in racial and social conflicts.

·   Recovery for laborers and working class persons.

·   Durin g the year we will see the consecuences of the actions against nature that have been done over time. We will witness how nature itself will try to purify itself, it will be a year where there will be disasters, nature will try to recuperate the resources we have extracted from it, therefore we can expect storms, cyclones, sea water inundations with numerous electrical discharges and storms.

·   We can expect damage to crops, which can be cause by plagues or by human mismanagement of resources, due to this we mith suffer scarcity of some foods. The cuase of chemical damage to the environment will be seen in illnesses as well as damage to the crops.

·   This sign says that the possibilities of fires to forests, homes and businesses will increase, causing great economic losses.

·   International conflicts dye to  the separation of allies, could bring wars.

·   This year will be marked by an increase in the tendency to domestic violence and violence in general..

·   Families will have a tendency to lose their sanity, as a result of economic problems.

·   There will be a tendency for marriages to be destroyed due to slander and mutual mistreatment, and lack of respect.

·   This year experience and knowledge will mark a difference among youth, we will therefore see an increase in relationships among them.


·   Avoid loans and diminish your debts, readjust the economy of the home.

·   Don’t squander or wáter money and each one should live according to their means.

·   We advise the persons who practice our religion to be careful this year of those who criticize it or with extremists of any religión, because they can bring the pólice to your door.

·   Treason among friends and allies.

·   Hidden conspiracies to cause damage to the land.

·   There is need to be closer to religious practices.

·   Be responsible in your jobs, show interest and ability.

·   By means of your work will obtain gains and respect.

·   Be financially responsable, be austere in handling money.

·   Avoid at any level anything that can be interpreted as gossip or conspiracies.

·   Be reserved regarding personal matters.

·   Study and improve yourself in your life as well as in the religious area.

·   Value human beings for their abilities and actitudes without taking into account their age or their rank.

·   It is important to share your knowledge and experience with the younger generation.

·   Demonstrate education and good manner when speaking, because in this sign people talked but did not understand each other.

·   Wars and separation  due to treason and hidden conspiracies.

·   It is practically mandatory to pay attention to Elewa/Eshu and Obatalá to avoid disaster.

·   Receive Elewa/Eshu.

·   Avoid sexual excesses.

Important notes:

·   There can be dire consecuences due to violence, at hojme as well as in daily life.

·   We will see the inevitability of the law: "you will have to pay for your actions"

Workings of the sign:

·   Give two white doves to Obatalá.

·   Wash the head with what Orunmila indicates (for  Babalawos).

·   Wear a hat with two colors, ask Orula which colors.

·   To obtain your wishes go to the woods with seven herbs, clean yourself with them and when you leave the woods clean yourself with a rooster and let him losse behind you (without looking back).

·   Give a goat to Eleguá as frequently as possible.

·   Give a lot of attention to Eleguá and Obatalá.

·   Give a turtle and a rooster to the door of the house.

Proverbs of the sign:

·   Don’t underestimate the small.

·   In the street good luck and misfortune have someone looking out for them.

·   What goes around comes around.

·   Being capricious will bring you misfortune.

·   The horse canno find the road in the jungle.

·   The stone does not have a place in the sun.

·   Corn grows united.

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