Friday, May 3, 2013

PATAKI OYA AND SHANGO ( English & Spanish )

(Spanish & English)

Se sabe que Oya siempre acompaño a Shango en todas las batallas, peleando a su lado con dos espadas y aniquilando a los enemigos con su centella.
El Patakí es así: Oya estaba casada con Oggún, pero se enamoro de Shango y él la rapto (de ahí vino la famosa pelea entre los dos Orishas). Un día Shango estaba alborotado en una fiesta cuando lo prendieron y encerraron en un calabozo con siete vueltas de llave. Shango había dejado su pilón en casa de Oya. Pasaron los días y como Shango no venia, Oya movió el pilón, miro, y vio que estaba preso.
Entonces Oya canto: Centella que bá bené Yo sumarela sube, Centella que bá bené Yo sube arriba palo. No dijo más que esto y el numero siete se formo en el cielo. La centella rompió las rejas de la prisión y Shango escapo. Entonces vio que Oya venia por el cielo en un remolino, y se lo llevo a la tierra. Hasta aquel día Shango no sabia que Oya tenia centellas. Ahí empezó a respetarla.


Oya is known to have always accompanied Shango in every battle, fighting by his side with two swords, and killing the enemies with her lightning.
The Pataki is thus: Oya was married to Oggun, but she fell in love with Shango, who abducted her (hence came the famous fight between the two Orishas, Shango and Oggun). One day Shango was at a party where he became rowdy. He was seized and imprisoned in a dungeon with seven key turns. Shango had left his pilon (pillar) at Oya’s house. Days passed and Shango did not come, so Oya moved the pilón (pillar), looked, and saw that he was imprisoned.

Then Oya sang: Centella que bá bené Yo sumarela sube, Centella que bá bené Yo sube arriba palo. (I’m coming up)
She said no more than this and the number seven was formed in the sky. The lightning broke the prison bars and Shango escaped. Then he saw that Oya was coming down from the sky in a whirlwind. Oya grabbed him, and took him to safe ground. Until that day Shango did not know Oya had lightning. From then on, Shango began to respect her.
Jekua Jey Yansa Oya..Kabiosile Shango

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