Thursday, February 8, 2018

Steps Towards Spiritual Hygiene

Steps Towards Spiritual Hygiene

 While everyone's spiritual makeup is different, there are a few basics that when attended to on a regular basis, will go a long way towards maintaining energetic equilibrium.

1.       Prayer: we underestimate our own power to self-protect and keep us out of the pathway of negative energy. Prayer is a simple but effective tool one can do, regardless of religious or spiritual affiliation to help keep your pathways free and in the clear. Below is a sample prayer to illustrate the point. Feel free to substitute God for whatever entity you pray to, and Amen with whatever valediction you prefer. Dear God, I thank you for your blessings and protection. I ask that you continue to keep me free and clear of any and all things that are not intended for my highest good, that you allow me to see my enemies before they see me, so that I may be victorious in my battles, and that you allow me to be in complete alignment with my soul and my body so that I may know when there is unbalance, and be able to make the necessary adjustments with your support and the support of my ancestors. Amen.

2.       Decalcifying your pineal gland: this has been a massive boost to my spiritual hygiene and it is very easy to do. The pineal gland is the site of the third eye chakra. It is responsible for our spiritual sight and allows us to transmit messages from between realms. Most people have calcified pineal glands by virtue of the massive amounts of fluoride and calcium in our food and environment. It's literally in everything: light bulbs, tooth paste, mouth wash, water, etc. While it's hard to remove fluoride from everything you can make conscious decisions about what products you use and substitute them for non-fluoride versions. In addition you can incorporate into your health regimen herbs and supplements that will decalcify the pineal gland. You make a tea using holy basil and chlorophyll at least weekly. Use non-fluoride versions of toothpaste and mouth wash. As your pineal gland starts to break free, you will start to receive an increased volume of information from other realms, often times from your ancestors or spirit guides. By establishing this communication you are in a position to receive messages that you can use to make informed decisions on just about everything. For those of you new to mediumship, I urge you to seek out an experienced mentor who can assist you as your pineal gland begins to clear.

3.       Nature Baths: I call these baths but really they are just extended periods of time spent in nature amongst trees, oceans, mountains, lakes, rivers etc. Intentional time spent in nature is known to have positive effects on health. Though we are humans, we are still mammals and as much as we are accustomed to concrete jungle and wireless internet, our native lifestyle actually involves a life much closer to the bone. Meaning? Go to a beach and swim and sun bathe. Take an extended walk in the park. Climb a tree. Bury your feet in the dirt. Buy plants that purify your air and pump oxygen into your environment like Ficus or Boston Fern.

4.       Ban technology: Yes I am being dramatic and unrealistic; however, it is a known fact that all of our devices bring electronic smog into our home and work environments. Studies are now saying that radiation from cell phones and other mobile devices is not as innocuous as we once thought. The more devices one has, the more smog one is exposed to. One quick way to reduce that smog is to remove devices from your sleeping area, and/or turn them off altogether when not in use. For many of us, that may not be possibility. A few years ago, I researched and purchased crystals specifically for the purpose of clearing the electronic smog from my home.

5.      Spiritual baths: this topic could take up an entire article as there is so much to say about it but, in brief, the knowledge of the properties and preparation of herbs and other organic materials combined with clear intention and stead fast prayer to create a bath ritual for sloughing off negative energy, and bringing in positive energy is an age old practice performed in a number of cultures across various spiritual traditions. You do not have to be a priest or priestess to make a spiritual bath; however, you do need to have at least perfunctory knowledge of herbs, how to prepare them, and it is mandatory to know how to pray out loud in order to imbibe the herbs with the energy of the intent for which they are being used. More on this next week.

These are suggestions that if carefully considered, and thoughtfully and regularly used, will set you on the path to spiritual self-care and thus a richer more engaging relationship with your social, natural, and energetic environments.

Templo BabaMi,  approaches healing from a holistic point of departure. Via divination, we dive deep into your past, present, potential future pathways to assess personal and familial issues that sit at the intersection of your life's challenges. We offer Reiki / Chakra to reestablish a harmonious energetic state in the body as a preventive and complementary aid in your overall healing process. We also create custom herbal products such as oils and spiritual baths to aid in mental/emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

We look forward to serving you. 

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